Foundation principles of Universal Sufism:
There is one God; the Eternal, the Only Being; None exists save He.
There is one master; the guiding spirit of all souls that constantly leads all followers toward the light.
There is one holy book; the sacred manuscript of nature, the only Scripture that can enlighten the reader.
There is one religion; unswerving progress in the right direction toward the Ideal, which fulfills every soul’s life purpose.
There is one law; the law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience, together with a sense of awakened justice.
There is one brotherhood; the human brotherhood which unites the children of earth indiscriminately in the fatherhood of God. This was later adapted by followers to; “There is one Family, the Human Family, which unites the Children of Earth indiscriminately in the Parenthood of God.”
There is one moral; the love which springs forth from self-denial and blooms in deeds of beneficence. … (later alternative; “which springs forth from a willing heart, surrendered in service to God and Humanity, and which blooms in deeds of beneficence”).
There is one object of praise; the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.
There is one truth; true knowledge of our being, within and without, which is the essence of Wisdom.
There is one path; annihilation of the false ego in the real (later alternative; “the effacement of the limited self in the Unlimited”), which raises the mortal to immortality, in which resides all perfection.