Sufi Spiritual Science
“Sufism science in a nut shell”
There are several branches of knowledge or sciences in Islam. All of which have been derived from the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah. Some of these branches of science include Science of Fiqh, Science of Hadith, Science of Tafseer, Science of Tajweed …etc.
The above diagram illustrates the science of Sufism in a nutshell:
Sufism, also known as Tasawwuf, is also a science in Islam and one who seeks to acquire this knowledge is called a Salik, Mureed, Disciple. We will often use the word “Mureed” on our site.
Sufism is a spiritual path in Islam which one travels in order to recognise and attain closeness to Allah (swt). Commonly known as Marifut and Qurb of Allah (swt). Treading this path develops the spiritual faculties of man for realisation of Divine Realities, the truth. Ultimately, one becomes a Friend of Allah (swt).
To fulfill this objective one begins by taking Bai’ah meaning “Oath of Allegiance” from one who has already travelled this path i.e a Friend of Allah (swt). They are also known by titles such as Murshid, Pir, Sheikh, Sufi Master, Saint, Sage etc .We will often use “Sheikh” .
After taking the oath of allegiance, in the hands of a Sheikh, there are many variations as to how the Sheikh will guide his Murid to Allah (swt). These varying methods are known as Tariqahs or Sufi Orders.
The following four principles, however, are emphasised and form the basis of all legitimate tariqahs:
Full adherence to Shariah: The Islamic Law
Observance of all Sunnah.
Remembrance of Allah (swt).
Code of Love & Discipline
Sufism is confined within the boundary of Shariah, Islamic Law. This has ten stations. (Click here to learn more) The path towards Allah (swt) is called Tariqah. This also has Ten Stations. (Click here to learn more) The speed at which one travels the path of tariqat which results in purification of the heart is based on one’s commitment & adherence to:
i) Following the Sunnah fervently
ii) Performing Zikr & Meditation regularly
iii) Sitting in the company of one’s Sheikh often.
When one has been purified from all spiritual and character blemishes one will have arrived at Haqiqat. Haqiqat also has ten stations. (Click here to learn more) Once this has been gained true, sincere and complete love of Allah (swt) & His Rasul (saw) will be realised and one will have been blessed with the Qurb (nearness) and Marifat (recognition) of Allah (swt). You will understand you have gained Marifat because it also has ten stations. (Click here to learn more)
At this point you will have fulfilled your purpose of life!
This site has been configured to introduce you to the theoretical and practical aspects of Sufism & to encourage you to take a step in this direction.